Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Boxing Day!

We're not English, but I was too busy yesterday to post. Hope everyone had a happy holiday. Here's a picture of me waiting to open my gifts:

Then Bisket came along...

and he finally sat under the tree with me.
Cousin Morgan is here for a Christmas visit, and we went to the trail

Santa brought me some toys and lots of cookies. It was a fun day!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hunting Season

Today's the first day of deer season in Pennsylvania. I can hear gunshots from my house, and even though there's a lot of lab in me, I'm gun shy. I'll be on the couch if you want me.

This is so embarassing....

Last night Mom decided to take me out on the leash because she smelled skunk. I don't know why she won't let me chase him out of the yard like I do the mailman, but people are funny. Anyway, she hooked the leash to my collar, and then decided to get a flash light. In the meantime, Bisket came along, and well...

...this happened. I'm being walked by a cat! The leash dragging on the floor was just too much for him to ignore, so he pounced. I tried to get away, but that made him even more determined to hold on to the leash. I finally just gave up and sat down until Mom came. I hope she doesn't decide to let him take me out. I'll be the laughing stock of the neighborhood...